
Hair Perfume?! No Hair PUREfumes!

We all know that Aveda loves to use certain terms for their products. It’s AROMA not scent/smell. But did you know they have a new one? It’s Purefume over Perfume. What’s the difference you ask? It’s very simple, their new launch of the Hair Purefumes are truly pure plant and flower aromas to spray in… Read more »


New Stylist Alert!!!

You’ve seen her around a LOT but I bet many of you never knew that our team member, Emmy, is a licensed stylist! Emmy has spent the past year running our front desk, training with us during our advanced education and most importantly, becoming a mommy! Now that Emmy is back from maternity leave, she… Read more »


Summer Hair Color Ideas

We’ve been a little busy over at Thirty Hair as everyone is wanting new beautiful Summer hair! If you are like our clients, you are itching for some change, chopping off some length or brightening up your color. Here’s just a peak of what we’ve done in the past few weeks!  


New Year, New Hair!

Happy New Year Everyone! Want to know how we kicked off the new year? Probably a lot like you all with some fun NYE parties, a lot of germs (this winter cold business is awful!) and most importantly with some New Education to kick start our year! Today, we had Jeffrey Scott from Aveda in… Read more »